Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Museum Days

My mommy has been taking me to the museum recently. I have learned so much about dinosaurs,weather,trains,animals, etc....i have loads of fun too.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Montage of sleeping Aiden

Bath Time

We love baths, until they became

Coming Home from the hospital

After a few days we finally got to go home. I was fussy in the hospital, but it was great once we got to go home. That hospital was cold....

Let me take you back!

I wanted to share with you the first moments of my life. we can start from the day i was born.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Monkey Bizness

We had so much fun at Monkey Bizness

My Second Christmas

These are just a few things i got for christmas. I had a very fun, but looooong day

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This is my bedroom

This is where i sleep and take my naps. I love my room, there are so many things i get to play with and make my mommy chase me through the room and house. These were taken when we moved into our new house last spring. i look so different now! :)